Category Archives: Kid Kritics Approved

Eat Like a Pro – Baseball Player! RECIPES. Friday. 1pm ET

Starting at a young age, many kids dream about being pro athletes.  Baseball’s official MLB season just opened making this the perfect to share what these pros eat to fuel their dreams so they can be the best they can be on and off the field.  Our guest, Katie Cavuto RDN ( is
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Let’s Talk About Eggs – Healthy or Not? How much, when and why? RECIPES. FRIDAY. 1pm ET on W4WN radio

One week you are to avoid eggs, period.  Another week, you are advised to eat just the egg whites. Then you hear you should eat the whole egg a few times a week.  Do eggs increase your cholesterol?  Are they partly responsible for heart disease?  Do you growing children need both the egg white and
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Switch from Craving Junk to Fresh Foods! RECIPES. FRIDAY. 1pm ET

Splenda, hydrogenated oils, popular chocolate sandwich cookies, fast foods such as chicken nuggets and more are simply junk fake food.  And you ask, how can chicken nuggets served in most fast food restaurants be fake? Well, as only about 20% of a nugget is chicken, what’s the other 80%?  You are about to find out. Wait
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