Category Archives: podcast

Feed Your Children’s Brains with Music! RECIPES. Fri. 1pm ET on W4WN Radio

  Can music really feed your child’s brain?  Would rap qualify or just Beethoven?  Are those music lessons really worth it? If so, when should they begin?  Are there foods that specifically help children musically?  Our guest, Graham Hepburn, former concert pianist and thus a talented performer, educator, and entertainer, has had invaluable experience in
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Try It. You’ll Like It! RECIPES. FRIDAY. 1pm ET

What do your kids say to you when you serve them a rice dish with something green in it, or, hand them a plate with a new vegetable, such as cauliflower? I can hear it now, “I don’t like it.” Then what do you say? “Try it, you’ll like it!”  Instantly, they look
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Cooking with Olive Oil! RECIPES. Thurs. 1pm ET on W4WN radio

What do you get when you combine Greek heritage with California fresh produce? Mouth-watering, nutrient-powered recipes made with the olive oil! If you are interested in the history of this liquid gold (8th millennium BC), how it’s produced, the way to choose quality, and of course, how to use it for cooking, this show
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