Category Archives: podcast

Sweet Treats for Kids. Yes or No? RECIPES, TODAY. 1pm ET

To train dogs we all know you reach the desired behavioral results when you reward them with doggie treats.  The question is, should we be doing the same with children?  How often do your kids come home from school with candy their teachers have given them because they followed the rules or did well on
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Menu: Feed a Family of 4 on $126 a Week! – RECIPES! Fri. 1pm ET on W4WN radio

It can be done.  For just $124.06 to be exact, our guest, Stacey, shopped for healthy foods she could feed a family of four for under the shoe-string budget she was given.  She walked the aisles looking for nutritious foods she could afford.  How did she do it?  Where did she shop?  What menu did she
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The END of Dieting. Dr. Joel Furhman, TODAY 1pm ET on W4WN radio

  THE END OF DIETING! Our guest for this week’s show, Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Board Certified Family Physician), has declared it is time for The End of Dieting and he means it. His reasons range from “temporary begets temporary” to “foods high in nutrient density are more satisfying than those high in calories.” He adds
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