Now is the time to spend less to save more on your grocery bill. Wouldn’t you rather pull frozen blueberries, ones you bagged, out of your freezer than go to your food store and pay extra to someone (brand) who bagged them for you? We are here to teach you how. We’ll help
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Recent Posts by Talk 4 Media
Life Re-Creation
Life just happens and then there are many of us who aren’t satisfied with just that. It’s not enough to be swept away by random events and circumstances to define us. Instead, we want to actively take part in the creation and recreation of our lives. Is that you? Are you on the
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What do kids eat in Botswana, Brazil, China, Turkey and other countries… do they, would they eat what our kids eat? Will our kids eat what they eat? Our guest expert on this subject is Chris Kilham, a medicine hunter, author, educator, and world-traveler researching and promoting plant-based medicines. He is the founder of Medicine
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