Category Archives: health is wealth

The END of Dieting. Dr. Joel Furhman, TODAY 1pm ET on W4WN radio

  THE END OF DIETING! Our guest for this week’s show, Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Board Certified Family Physician), has declared it is time for The End of Dieting and he means it. His reasons range from “temporary begets temporary” to “foods high in nutrient density are more satisfying than those high in calories.” He adds
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Feed Your Children’s Brains with Music! RECIPES. Fri. 1pm ET on W4WN Radio

  Can music really feed your child’s brain?  Would rap qualify or just Beethoven?  Are those music lessons really worth it? If so, when should they begin?  Are there foods that specifically help children musically?  Our guest, Graham Hepburn, former concert pianist and thus a talented performer, educator, and entertainer, has had invaluable experience in
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