Meet the Hosts of
“Five to Thrive Live!”
An innovative show on health promotion in the face of cancer from the authors of Five to Thrive:
Your Cutting-edge Cancer Prevention Plan and The Definitive Guide to Cancer.
Five To Thrive Live Radio Hosts – Dr. Lise Alschuler, N.D. and Karolyn A. Gazella
An innovative nightly talk radio show devoted to health promotion in the face of cancer, Five to Thrive Live! is broadcast on The Cancer Support Network Monday through Friday at 5 pm PST/8pm EST. Show hosts are respected naturopathic oncologist Dr. Lise Alschuler, N.D. and leading wellness publisher Karolyn A. Gazella. The two are also the authors of Five to Thrive: Your Cutting-edge Cancer Prevention Plan and The Definitive Guide to Cancer. Together, Dr. Alschuler and Karolyn have over 30 years of combined experience in natural health and also draw from their own experiences as cancer survivors. Five to Thrive Live! will explore topics related to cancer prevention and treatment that will make a difference in your health and the quality of your life. Show guests will provide meaningful, scientifically valid, personal and creative insight into how we can transform the experience of cancer to one that facilitates health and vital living. Five to Thrive Live! promises to empower, inspire and enlighten its listeners.
Tune in every weekday at 5:00pm Pacific time/7:00pm Central time/8:00 Eastern time to www.w4cs.com. We would love to hear from you! Call 561-523-9427 to be a live caller on the show!
Lise N. Alschuler, ND, FABNO, is a naturopathic physician with board certification in naturopathic oncology. She is widely recognized as an expert in cancer treatment and prevention, has written numerous articles, booklets and books, and is a sought-after speaker to physicians, and the general public. Dr. Alschuler is the Past-President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She is currently Vice President of Quality and Education at Emerson Ecologics, LLC, the largest distributor of dietary supplements and services to healthcare professionals. She also provides naturopathic oncology care at Naturopathic Specialists. Dr. Alschuler is herself a breast cancer survivor. www.fivetothriveplan.com
Karolyn A. Gazella is the publisher of the Natural Medicine Journal, an innovative peer-reviewed medical journal for holistic-minded healthcare practitioners (www.naturalmedicinejournal.com). She is a renowned research journalist and prolific health writer who has written hundreds of articles, booklets and books for both patients and practitioners. Karolyn is a 17 year survivor of ovarian cancer. www.fivetothriveplan.com