Bill Piechocki also known as “The Pet Health Guru holds a degree in Animal Science, has over 50 years experience in the animal health industry and provides a unique perspective of the market.
He is co-founder, CEO and owner of My Paleo Pet, a retail store and BioComplete Natural Diets and Herbs which is a consulting, packaging, manufacturing, and distribution company. They develop alternative health solutions in nutrition, herbals, and natural products for holistic pet health advocates and veterinary markets along with their clients.
My Paleo Pet is a retail store where they exclusively feature the BioCompleteTM line of products plus many other natural products for pets and people alike.
Through radio podcasts, public appearances, magazine articles, blogs and nutritional consultations, Bill provides unparalleled vision and information that is passed on to his clients and animal lovers daily.
He is proud to be host of the Pet Health Cafe Web Radio Show where he has many interesting topics to discuss with special guests and esteemed colleagues including a favorite, Dr. Michael Dym, VMD, a local homeopathic veterinarian in Florida.
Be sure to tune in to LIVE broadcasts of Pet Health Café, the web TV show on Thursday nights at 8 pm at https://w4hc.com and Facebook LIVE or listen to the show archives on www.pethealthcafe.com, pet health café on you tube and many other sources. Likes and shares are appreciated. Call for a free consultation or stop by My Paleo Pet in Pompano Beach, FL 954-971-2500, where Bill and the staff would be more than happy to help.